
“Mighty men reproduce other mighty men”

Smart Step provides leadership training to develop leaders to create and lead a culture of empowerment. A culture of empowerment is many things. It is where everyone flourishes. The best work is done. Creativity is harnessed. Trust, communication and purpose are clear.

What makes a good leader?

More importantly what makes you a good leader?

What or who is it that you lead best?

Smart Step provides a safe but challenging place for leaders to learn, be stretched and discover answers to these questions and more.

Examples of Smart Step’s Leadership Topics: –

  •  Improving Emotional Intelligence – to help you connect, communicate an empower those you lead most effectively.
  • Leadership Styles Exercises – discovering the ‘type’ of leader you are and where you lead best
  • Clarity of Purpose and Vision – to help you set your own path and communicate it well to others
  • Authenticity & Vulnerability – discovering these important traits in leadership
  • Brave Communication
  • Strengths Finder – to identify and lead from your top strengths
  • DISC – a leadership test helping you discover how to lead in teams
  • SMART Goal Setting
  • Managing People Effectively
  • Time Management
  • Influencing Skills
  • Staff Engagement Skills
  • Developing Measureable Deliverables for yours and others progress
  • Skills Analysis Techniques and Exercises

Some Key Deliverables for Leadership Coaching and Training

  • Improved performance
  • Measurable improvements in productivity
  • Clear definition of developmental areas
  • Working strategies to solve areas
  • Leadership skills based training

Contact us for more information and pricing on any of the above programs for leaders in your organisation

Smart Step offers leadership training programs for groups and on a one to one basis.

New Leaders Program

Smart Step provides a personal coach and mentor for an agreed initial period of time, typically 6 months to a new manager. The program helps fully develop new managers making them more productive and helping them quickly overcome the hurdles of transitioning into a new role.  Using leadership development models, the coaching will help the manager to define and use their strengths effectively alongside highlighting areas for development. The new leader gets the support they need, helping them to work through the whole variety of work, time management and relational issues they may encounter.

 Business Managers Program

Smart Step offers one-to-one coaching and mentoring to develop effective management skills. This service establishes key measureables, which ascertain the areas in which the leader needs development.

 Leaders Course of Coaching

A course of coaching will help explore further potential. You can choose the topics of coaching. ‘Life’ topics can be integrated into work topics.

Business Owners see Business Coaching